So we've been back from vacation for like 2 days now. I jumped right back into school yesterday - spent 8 hours at school (including the 2 hours commuting on the train) and then headed straight to work for another fun filled 8 hours. I left at 1:30 am. Henceforth will by my life on Tuesdays and Thursdays :P I do have TONS of pictures to post of our vacation but I probably won't find the time to properly post them (the way I want to) until the weekend sometime. Even then, tons of reading and homework await me. On the right hand side of my blog I've posted my current courses. I've taken 4 courses at a time before, but it was usually 2 in person classes and 2 online classes. This time I actually have to attend all 4 classes every day. We'll see how long I last. I will try my best not to burn myself out. I am also planning on taking it easier at work and not committing to any overtime or extra stressful projects that require me to adjust my schedule all crazy. I want to find a routine again and just focus on school.
Anyway - I haven't forgotten to update things...I will on the weekend...hopefully ;)
Sheesh, what a schedule. How do you have time to manage your blog? Hahahaha :P I should get me one of these...
Yes you should and I have no idea :P
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