Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Bridal Shower

My amazing friends, Toni and Niki, hosted my shower for me. Toni offered to host it at her house and Niki drove down from Idaho to help with everything. It turned out so awesome and I had lots of fun :)  Here are the pictures!

The group of ladies at the shower. Toni's house has the perfect setup and she did a great job putting it all together. Everyone at the table included (going around the table starting with the gal in the teal cardigan):

Jenn Baugh, JoAnn Bahr, Me, Mary Peacock, Jessie Adamson, Toni Sehlmeier, Bronwyn Erasmus (can't see in pic), Misty Harding, Amy Earnest, Laurie Reiser, My mom, Tara White, Niki Young (standing), Jill Palmer (taking the pic)

The food spread was AMAZING! And Toni even made cute little napkin holders too! Can I just say that I LOVED those cupcakes. We had mint chocolate chip ones and red velvet - YUM! Those chocolate covered strawberries were my favorite too!

We played some fun games...I know...they are usually lame but I wanted to add a bit of that into my shower so Toni obliged and found some fun games. They were tough though!! I didn't win anything :P

This is a close-up of the favor bouquet I made. I made chocolate lolli-pop things and arranged them in a bouquet for everyone to take.

And now the's the spread of them!

And my process of opening them. I took care to open them carefully cause I like to save the wrapping and tissue paper :) Everyone thought I was lame.

And here's me surrounded by the final spread. Seriously, I am so thankful for all of the gifts I received. So much of my stuff I've had for years was old and gross and it was so nice to replace much of it with new things...and to receive entirely new items as well!! I'm just so thankful to everyone!

One final picture of everyone at the table. I really hope people had fun because I sure did. And it was a nice short didn't last for hours and hours and it was in the middle of the day so people still had time to do their normal Saturday activities. I just wanted it to be a quick get together and it turned out awesome!

Thanks again to everyone who attended and made it a special day for me. I loved it!

Next post will be....The Ceremony :)

All the Updates!

Well - Ramin and I are finally married and back from our honeymoon! It's been a crazy month of March but I'm glad to be home and to have time to focus on things OTHER than a wedding celebration :)

I don't want to just dump a crapload of pictures on here, cause trust me, there is a crapload :) So what I will do is update the blog one day at a time, starting with the bridal shower, all the way through to the last day of our honeymoon.  This will make it easier to digest and easier for me to remember everything along the way :)

So, next post will be - The Bridal Shower!