Bath Time!

Lady had a bath yesterday. It's tough giving her baths because she's so big - but boy did she need it! She's so weird cause while she's in the bathtub she is scared and shaky. The moment she gets out and shakes off she turns into CRAZY DOG. She runs around the house drying herself on every soft piece of furniture around. The couches, the bed, the rugs. Consequently, because Lady fires up, so does Belle. Belle takes it as a sign that Lady wants to play (which she never does of course). So I took some pictures of Lady right out of the bath and Belle and her running around being funny.

So after the bath hoopla was over I dried Lady off some more and then it was lunch time. I don't know why I thought it was cute watching Lady eat but for some reason it was. So I took the picture. Belle got jealous and started howling at I told her to go over to her bowl and I'd take a picture of her too. So we get there and she starts howling, hence the picture below.

Now we're at this morning...and I had to get one more picture of Lady all dried and trimmed and pretty before she turns into a monster again. She was being stubborn this morning and didn't want me to take her picture. She laid right outside of the office as I kept saying "Lady, look at me!", "Lady!", "Look at me!" - she just stared straight ahead...until the moment she turned and gave me The Lady, Bob, Chris, Taylor and Ramin know The Lady Look and this is it!
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