So here's the plan: We got the truck for hauling things, for Ramin in the winter when he goes up to the mountains snowboarding and for good recreation stuff. It will mainly be used for those purposes...Ramin plans to buy a motorcycle in the coming weeks. He will use that as his daily commuter to work. You see, Ramin doesn't go anywhere...and if he does, it's on the weekend with Chris and we can still use the Audi for those trips. And that brings me to the Audi...I will be driving it now. The Avenger will get parked at Mom's house (thanks Mom and Bob) since they have RV parking on the side of the house sort of hidden away. There is NO WAY I can part with that car. It is what brought Ramin and I together. We hope to keep it around and perhaps one day restore/modify it back it's old glory and sort of bring back Ramin's old Avenger as well. One day I'll post a picture of his old one.
That's the plan of the truck and car. Ramin is SUPERB with math and figured out all monthly payments for car, gas and insurance. I needed a new car soon anyway and for cheaper than anything else Ramin gets to have all 3 modes of transportation he loves and I get to drive a freakin nice luxury car. Since the Audi is still technically his car, it will help save me some grief when it comes to trade it upwards since I get so easily attached to things. If I know in the back of my head that the car is still always his, I won't get that attached feeling as much as if I had leased something of my own.
Anyway, because we NOW have the truck....we were able to do a small weekend project on the front yard! Saturday we pulled out ALL o the weeds in the front yard. Let me tell you, on the side of the house we had 4 foot weeds growing! NO JOKE! Ramin and I worked for about 3 hours straight pulling weeds and wild grass. We sprayed a ton of weed killer. The next day we went and got that landscape fabric and laid it all over the dirt - Ramin did this part. I was studying for final exams. On Monday night Ramin took the truck and bought about 10 huge bags of mulch and spread it over all of the fabric and the result is what you see below! I can't even believe how awesome it looks :) Ramin did a great job!
Ramin's brother and dad arrived in Salt Lake last night and they will have a few days of golf extravaganzas! His dad will be leaving Friday morning, but his brother will be staying here for about 3 weeks, which is his usual summer time visit length. I think this is his 5th or 6th time out visiting us :) They also brought a ton of great gifts from Ramin's mom from Iran. We have a new Persion rug and some great beaded fabric decorations...I just need to find the best places to display them.
I have tonight off of work cause Ramin is taking me to see the Steve Miller Band in concert!! Wooohooo :)
That's all the news for now :)
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