Well, next week is the final week of Fall Semester - THANK GOD! I have been waiting for this week for months! The week after is finals week, but I only have 1 final to take that week - my Computer Science final on Chris' birthday! Go figure!
Here's the list of things I have yet to accomplish:
12/8 - Full day of work - Last argument outline for Ancient Greek Philosophy class
12/9 - Full day of work - 2-3 questions typed up for Ethics test
12/10 - Full day of work - Finish Ethics study guide that has to be turned in on 12/11 - Also, study for Ethics test on 12/11
12/11 - full day of work - Ethics final test & Prepare grad school folders
12/12 - Full day of work - Meetings with two professors for grad school recommendations - folders prepared
12/13 - Write final Ancient Greek Philosophy paper 4 pages, Work on and finish Syntax take home test (these are usually way harder than normal tests)
12/14 - ALL DAY - Study for Computer Science test
12/15 - Full day of work - Continue CS studying
12/16 - Half day at work - turn in Greek paper and Syntax test
12/18 - DONE - Fly out to Florida
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