Monday, December 29, 2008


Well I'm kinda in shock right now because all of my grades for Fall Semester have been posted. They are as follows:

Contemporary Ethics (5000 level course) - B+
Syntax - B
Ancient Greek Philosophy - B

And the dreaded CS Engineering Computing - B

That's right!!! I actually got B's in all of my classes and I'm so pleasantly surprised that I feel so great. Everyone knows that this was the hardest semester of my life and to actually come away with B's is such a great feeling. I was totally settled on getting C's in the Syntax and CS classes because I hated both of them tremendously!

This gives me renewed enthusiasm for next semester. It starts on Jan. 12th and I've only got 3 classes to take - we'll see how they end up!!

1 comment:

The Bliss Family said...

Good job! And good luck with your last semester!