Monday, October 27, 2008


School is back in full swing after the Fall Break the other week. I'm struggling a TON in my CS class - thank goodness I have Chris to help me. I'll be happy if I get a C in that class - seriously. Syntax is just a's hard and silly to me...but I go everyday so I don't miss anything. My Ancient Greek Philosophy class is HARD ASS! The professor is nit-picky about everything and I have to re-write the paper I just wrote the other week (we all have to re-write our papers). Then my Ethics class is ok....I will have a presentation to do in the coming weeks, but my article to present on is rather interesting. It is called "How psychopaths threaten moral rationalism: Is it rational to be amoral?" THIS is highly interesting and combines both my psychology coursework and philosophy. Over the next few weeks I am going to be focusing intensely on school.

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