Monday, June 15, 2009

My blog is personal again!?!

Soooooo to keep this blog personal again, I've decided to create a blog just for our photography business. The blog will suffice until we get the website completed...hopefully by the end of July. Chris and Ramin are tirelessly working on their own project right now ;) So for now we have Atmina's Blog. Yes, the name of our business is Atmina ~ Photographic Memories. Atmina is Latvian for "memory". Why Latvian you ask? No reason, it just sounds cool ok? :P

So the blog is hosted on Blogspot for now. Ramin wants me to set a Wordpress blog as well because apparently that will coordinate with the website easier. So tonight I will probably work on that. I have also advertised the bunk out of Atmina on Facebook :P That's where a lot of our appointments have surfaced from. I plan to create a separate Facebook page for Atmina as well. I still have LOADS to do like create our logo (it will be something close to what you see at the top of the Atmina blog). I also need to create some pricing brochures to hand out to people. I need to get some mailing labels made and all kinds of fun stuff. THIS is what I like doing. Sure I like editing the pictures as well, but Jill ultimately has full domain over that for the super creative stuff. I just like changing lighting and contrast and such :P I like running all the "back end" stuff for a business. When we used to play school my favorite part was recording the grades for my imaginary pupils :P Screw the teaching, let me calculate the grades! That's how I am here, screw the actual taking of pictures, let me deal with all of the other stuff that comes with it! ;)

So from now on I'll be posting personal happenins on here again. My first order of business to get some pictures taken of my newly acquired degrees that arrived last week. I can't wait to show those off!!

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