Holy crap! Can Lady look any cuter?!?! We were out in the yard this weekend and she decided to sit on the porch and watch over us. I love her feet hanging over the edge! And yes, she has her sweater on still because she shivers in the house after we got her groomed a few weeks ago. She's an old lady with poor circulation now ;)

We cleaned up the East side of the backyard this past weekend. What a MAJOR difference. This side was A LOT harder than the West side because it had more weeds and rocks in it. It took us about 2 hours but it was totally worth it!

And then we have our tree! It's hard to tell from the picture but it's at least 12 feet tall now. I remember early last Spring of last year that I showed it to my mom and Bob and asked if they thought it was really a tree. I remember Ramin really didn't think it was but I knew in my heart that it was a little tree. It was only about 6 inches tall at that point. Now, just a little over a year later it's fully growing! I trimmed it up a few weeks ago and ever since then it's just exploded at the top growing all kinds of leaves and branches. I'm so excited because I LOVE watching things grow! It's kind of in a crappy place in the yard but I dare not risk moving it hehehe. We think it's some kind of maple tree :)
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