Saturday, November 29, 2008

I've already had two days off from work/school so far thanks to Thanksgiving. So my plan for Saturday (today) was to clean the house and buckle down and write my 10-page Ethics paper. The cleaning part is done and has been done for about an hour now. I vacuumed the whole upstairs and mopped the kitchen floor and even cleaned the bathroom. I also have laundry going right now. I've been sitting at the computer for about a half hour now...just trying to get the motivation to write my paper. I've got the bulk of it outlined on my notepad paper. I just gotta do this. I'm gonna start now and see if I can finish it up in 4 hours and be done somewhere around 6 pm. We'll see...then I have to re-write my Ancient Greek Philosophy paper. That should take less time, I hope. So I'll post again at the time I've finished my Ethics paper. GO JENN GO!!

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