Saturday, November 29, 2008
Done - ish
So it is now 5:50 pm and I have a very rough draft of 10 pages written. I think I'm done for a little while now. I'll print it out and hand edit all of it to make it more concise and clear. I'll take a break for 1-2 hours and come back to it again by 8 pm I think. Then I need to work on the Greek paper. I don't think I'll spend more than an hour on that since it's only 4 pages long and needs only a small amount of revision before I turn it in.
I've already had two days off from work/school so far thanks to Thanksgiving. So my plan for Saturday (today) was to clean the house and buckle down and write my 10-page Ethics paper. The cleaning part is done and has been done for about an hour now. I vacuumed the whole upstairs and mopped the kitchen floor and even cleaned the bathroom. I also have laundry going right now. I've been sitting at the computer for about a half hour now...just trying to get the motivation to write my paper. I've got the bulk of it outlined on my notepad paper. I just gotta do this. I'm gonna start now and see if I can finish it up in 4 hours and be done somewhere around 6 pm. We'll see...then I have to re-write my Ancient Greek Philosophy paper. That should take less time, I hope. So I'll post again at the time I've finished my Ethics paper. GO JENN GO!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Walk It Out!
It's been a while since I've seen this video, but after hearing this song on the radio last night I was totally reminded! When I first saw this video I couldn't believe how perfect the song matched the dancing - you'll see. I don't care if you don't like rap music, it's worth watching cause these ladies are total divas and would totally fit in with today's hip hoppers :P
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Grad School Anyone?
I've settled on it.
*IF* I can get in, I will go to grad school for Instructional Design and Educational Technology at the U. It is offered as part of the Educational Psychology department.
Here are the facts:
- The program is only 2 years long.
- It's only 30 credit hours.
- In Jenn terms, I can finish it in 1 or a 1.5 years.
- The tuition is the same as what I pay now.
- Because it's a technological program, I can get eBay to pay for it.
- The classes are held from 5-8 pm.
- This means I can work like a normal person, during the day.
- When I'm done, I'll have a Masters of Education degree.
- With this, I can either continue on at eBay (we'll see) or I can most likely get a job at a school or school district designing educational programs (this seems more fitting)
If you want the full story of this program - visit here.
This is how I figure. I can either do this and get all of my schooling out of the way before I'm 30...I've be done by 2011. OR, Ramin and I can get married right after I graduate and pop a few kids out. Then I'd have to wait till their in high school or something before I go back to school.
It's fairly obvious what the logical choice is here.
All I need to do is:
- Take the GRE
- Get 3 letters of recommendation (2 teachers, 1 employer)
- Do all the applications and pay the fee
That doesn't sound like much, but it is. This program doesn't have any deadlines like all the other grad programs do - thank goodness. So I can take some time and prepare. Hopefully though, if I plan it all out right, I can start the grad program next Fall of 2009!
So....what do you think?
*IF* I can get in, I will go to grad school for Instructional Design and Educational Technology at the U. It is offered as part of the Educational Psychology department.
Here are the facts:
- The program is only 2 years long.
- It's only 30 credit hours.
- In Jenn terms, I can finish it in 1 or a 1.5 years.
- The tuition is the same as what I pay now.
- Because it's a technological program, I can get eBay to pay for it.
- The classes are held from 5-8 pm.
- This means I can work like a normal person, during the day.
- When I'm done, I'll have a Masters of Education degree.
- With this, I can either continue on at eBay (we'll see) or I can most likely get a job at a school or school district designing educational programs (this seems more fitting)
If you want the full story of this program - visit here.
This is how I figure. I can either do this and get all of my schooling out of the way before I'm 30...I've be done by 2011. OR, Ramin and I can get married right after I graduate and pop a few kids out. Then I'd have to wait till their in high school or something before I go back to school.
It's fairly obvious what the logical choice is here.
All I need to do is:
- Take the GRE
- Get 3 letters of recommendation (2 teachers, 1 employer)
- Do all the applications and pay the fee
That doesn't sound like much, but it is. This program doesn't have any deadlines like all the other grad programs do - thank goodness. So I can take some time and prepare. Hopefully though, if I plan it all out right, I can start the grad program next Fall of 2009!
So....what do you think?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Please help me with my project - EVERYONE WELCOME
So I've sent emails about this and posted it on my Facebook - now I'm posting it here. This goes to anyone who stumbles across this page - if you can take 5 minutes of your time I would greatly appreciate it! Please follow the link below and answer 2 simple questions relating to morality and psychology.
Click Here to take survey
Click Here to take survey
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Had a great birthday!!!

I wanted to say thanks for everyone who sent me birthday wishes!! I felt kinda crappy with my eye infection and it was nice to have everyone wish me a good day! It was a very good birthday and I want everyone to know that I appreciate everything you do for me!!!
(I threw in the LOL cat cause it's just funny :P)
Love Jenn
Monday, November 10, 2008
Troop Care Packages
My friend Lisa and her little girl Monique have started a new initiative - sending care packages to the troops.
Here blog can be found here - I've also added it under my blog links on the side of my blog.
Take some time to read it - it's a good idea!
Here blog can be found here - I've also added it under my blog links on the side of my blog.
Take some time to read it - it's a good idea!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Birthday Dacryocystitis
Beginning on Wednesday my right eye started watering for no apparent reason. I did not feel sick, I was only experiencing this weird watery eye. Thursday it got worse so I stayed home from work and school. Friday I made it to work but it was still watering and I carried around a tissue with me everywhere I was. Saturday was still bad but I still did errands and even met with my partner from school at the library for a while. She suggested that maybe I had a sinus infection and it was coming out of my eye. It sounded logical so I bought some Mucinex D and took it Saturday night. That night was awful...I woke up in the middle of the night with major pain on the right side of my face. It felt like my head was going to explode - I wanted to poke it with a needle to relieve the pressure. I moved to the couch to get more comfortable and I finally fell asleep.
Mom called around 10 am and I told her the problem and she suggested I go to InstaCare...I knew I should've gone earlier probably but I was hoping my eye would get better on its own. So Ramin took me to InstaCare and we waited for an hour...the doctor finally saw me and was adamant that it was not a sinus infection. Instead he suggested that I had dacryocystitis. Here is the official definition of it:
Dacryocystitis is an infection of the nasolacrimal sac. It causes pain, redness and swelling over the inner aspect of the lower eyelid and epiphora. It is often caused by nasolacrimal obstruction.
Mom called around 10 am and I told her the problem and she suggested I go to InstaCare...I knew I should've gone earlier probably but I was hoping my eye would get better on its own. So Ramin took me to InstaCare and we waited for an hour...the doctor finally saw me and was adamant that it was not a sinus infection. Instead he suggested that I had dacryocystitis. Here is the official definition of it:
Dacryocystitis is an infection of the nasolacrimal sac. It causes pain, redness and swelling over the inner aspect of the lower eyelid and epiphora. It is often caused by nasolacrimal obstruction.
Clinical features
- pain, swelling, redness over the lacrimal sac at medial canthus.
- tearing, crusting, fever
- digital pressure over the lacrimal sac may extrude pus through the punctum
- In chronic cases, tearing may be the only symptom
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I Time!
I Turn: 27 in 6 days! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
I am: Ecclectic and eccentric and love many different things!
I think: About the future A LOT and I run through all the various scenarios over and over
I know: That I love my family and friends and am grateful for my time with them!
I want: To hurry and finish up school so I begin a new chapter in my life
I dislike: Having to work 40 hours a week
I miss: Elementary school and the carefree days
I fear: Losing one of my loved ones, including the doggies
I feel: Exhausted from work and school...but I must persist onward!
I hear: Some techno garbage music that the kid down the row is playing out loud for some stupid reason....there's like 4 of us in the building and he has to play his music....ugh!
I smell: This building? I must be used to the smell cause I don't smell anything
I crave: Sushi and nari! Orrrrr ice cream as always
I cry: ALL the time...but I usually do it when no one is around to see...except at the movies or watching TV
I usually: Carry tissues with me because I'm constantly blowing my nose
I search: For the meaning in just kidding....I don't really search for anything
I wonder: What will happen after I'm done with I stay at eBay? Do we have kids? Do I go to grad school? If I do go to grad school when will the kids comes? General things like that
I regret: Not going to college right out of high school...I'd totally be working on a PhD right now if I was smarter back then
I love: Reading good historical fiction, scrapbooking, being creative (when there's time) and spending time with my family and friends (because I don't get to do a whole lot of it) and everything English and Victorian!
I care: About many things....sometimes too much
I always: Eat sushi at least once a week from Harmon's these days
I worry: About the future
I am not: Thrilled about my CS class, in fact I hate it
I remember: Practically everything (literally, just ask my mom and brother)
I believe: That there's more to life than what is here on Earth....we're here to learn some lessons
I sing: Only when the radio is on.....
I argue: Rarely. If I argue with Ramin he usually wins because I just give up...I don't like arguing - unless it's something I'm passionate about.
I write: In calligraphy sometimes - I need to practice that again
I win: I used to win everything! I don't think I've won anything for a while...Ramin seems to have taken away my mojo and used it for himself cause he wins everything now!
I lose: On occasion
I wish: For many things...but I'll never tell!
I listen: To classic rock and am proud of it damn it!
I can usually be found: Work, school or home - in that order!
I am scared: That I won't get to do everything I want to do in life and miss out on something
I forget: Only when I'm super overloaded at work or school, which is why I have a day planner and a huge desk calendar and why I make lots of lists!
I am happy: When I feel loved and appreciated
I am: Ecclectic and eccentric and love many different things!
I think: About the future A LOT and I run through all the various scenarios over and over
I know: That I love my family and friends and am grateful for my time with them!
I want: To hurry and finish up school so I begin a new chapter in my life
I dislike: Having to work 40 hours a week
I miss: Elementary school and the carefree days
I fear: Losing one of my loved ones, including the doggies
I feel: Exhausted from work and school...but I must persist onward!
I hear: Some techno garbage music that the kid down the row is playing out loud for some stupid reason....there's like 4 of us in the building and he has to play his music....ugh!
I smell: This building? I must be used to the smell cause I don't smell anything
I crave: Sushi and nari! Orrrrr ice cream as always
I cry: ALL the time...but I usually do it when no one is around to see...except at the movies or watching TV
I usually: Carry tissues with me because I'm constantly blowing my nose
I search: For the meaning in just kidding....I don't really search for anything
I wonder: What will happen after I'm done with I stay at eBay? Do we have kids? Do I go to grad school? If I do go to grad school when will the kids comes? General things like that
I regret: Not going to college right out of high school...I'd totally be working on a PhD right now if I was smarter back then
I love: Reading good historical fiction, scrapbooking, being creative (when there's time) and spending time with my family and friends (because I don't get to do a whole lot of it) and everything English and Victorian!
I care: About many things....sometimes too much
I always: Eat sushi at least once a week from Harmon's these days
I worry: About the future
I am not: Thrilled about my CS class, in fact I hate it
I remember: Practically everything (literally, just ask my mom and brother)
I believe: That there's more to life than what is here on Earth....we're here to learn some lessons
I sing: Only when the radio is on.....
I argue: Rarely. If I argue with Ramin he usually wins because I just give up...I don't like arguing - unless it's something I'm passionate about.
I write: In calligraphy sometimes - I need to practice that again
I win: I used to win everything! I don't think I've won anything for a while...Ramin seems to have taken away my mojo and used it for himself cause he wins everything now!
I lose: On occasion
I wish: For many things...but I'll never tell!
I listen: To classic rock and am proud of it damn it!
I can usually be found: Work, school or home - in that order!
I am scared: That I won't get to do everything I want to do in life and miss out on something
I forget: Only when I'm super overloaded at work or school, which is why I have a day planner and a huge desk calendar and why I make lots of lists!
I am happy: When I feel loved and appreciated
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Forecast = Dismal
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