Life can be weird sometimes. Your perceptions of how things are, are always changing. We all look at life from different eyes when we're children. Most people know that I LOVED my elementary school days...I loved that school so much. I loved everything about it...the teachers, all of the other kids there, and the overall environment that we had. We were always very creative and artistic, but at the same time we got it done when it came to learning.
Then the teenage years. I guess it's true how they always say you're always confused when you're a teenager. In hindsight I can say that, looking back on those years now. I say to myself "What the hell was I thinking" when I think back to the way I thought about life then and how I was SO SURE I knew how it should be. I bet I looked like a real idiot back then.
Now that I've grown up quite a bit, my perceptions on life and how it should be are totally different. My priorities have changed of course and I guess the main point of why I'm writing this is to acknowledge the fact that I recognize that. There are times when things can get so intense, whether it be in your romantic life, your work life or your home life.......but.......if you take the time to realize that things won't always be like that, it makes it a lot easier for you to get through it. We all go through phases where this "one thing" may be the most important thing...and at the time it is. But, it won't always be that way. And if you find yourself holding on to that "one thing" for so long and it's not coming to anything or only causing you grief, find a way to let it go. I've done that quite a few times with various things, mostly people I guess. People come into your lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime...they really do. Your job is to learn as much as you can about why that person has come into your life and learn what they have to teach you.
I'm gonna go take a walk now with Lady :P
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