Monday, November 5, 2012

Doctor Visit

Ramin and I are headed to the fertility specialist today, not because anything's wrong, but because we just want to be SURE nothing is wrong.

It's technically been 9 months since we've been trying to conceive, with February and March being months of not trying very hard because of our wedding. So it's been 7 months of actually trying and I'm starting to get nervous.

I'm nervous to see the doctor because on one hand I do want them to find something "wrong" so that we can work to correct it. On the other hand I don't want anything to be wrong and for them to just tell me to be more patient and keep getting healthy.

I don't like to post too much detail about this sort of thing...but I figure that this is a big part of our lives and we're ready to have some children. Since it's not happening right away, I might as well post my thoughts about it.

Over the past 6 months and especially the past 3-4 months, I've really stepped up my game in terms of getting healthy. I do have lots of things going for me:

  • I don't smoke
  • I don't drink (alcohol or soda)
  • I don't even drink caffeine (haven't since at least the beginning of the year)
  • I don't take medications (only in rare instances will I take something for a major headache)
  • I take daily vitamins (pre-natal, Vitamin D, B Complex and fish oil)
  • I exercise 2-3 times a week at the least (sometimes more)
  • I don't eat fast food. If I do, it's very rare and I'll only have Chik-Fil-A (no fries, just nuggets)
  • I keep track of my daily calories
  • I drink loads of water
  • I keep my stress level low (walking and doing crafts - haven't noticed a grey hair in LONG time
Ramin even matches most of these things on my list as well. So I know we're both healthy.

The one thing I have working against me is my weight. So that's why I'm trying to lose it (and have been trying since the start of the year). I also have very irregular cycles. This is the major cause of my anxiety. I chart my temperature every morning and chart other things as well (too much information for this blog) - I even use an ovulation predictor kit every morning - but I still never know when it's going to happen because it's not regular. 

Based on my charting, I noticed I have very low waking temperatures. My fertility bible (Taking Charge of Your Fertility) says that along with low temps and irregular cycles, it might be an indication of hypothyroidism. So back in September I went to an endocronologist to check for it. Needless to say it was the worst doctor experience of my life, despite my efforts to choose the doctor wisely and be as informed as possible. He told me I had PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) just by looking at me - without taking any blood and prescribed me Metformin to control my insulin resistance.

Well, because the experience was so horrible I decided I needed a second opinion and to NOT go back to him. Problem is, my usual gynecologist can't see me until March!! She's completely booked up. So I decided to schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist who specializes in PCOS. The other interesting thing is that two of my co-workers have also visited the same place with good reviews.

So today is finally the day. After waiting a month to see that original endocronologist and then another 2-months to see this specialist, I can finally go and *hopefully* get some answers or at least get on the right track. Ramin is going with me because of course he needs to be tested as well to make sure everything is working properly for him.

I'm nervous, anxious and excited all at once. I'll provide an update (if there is one) once we're done.

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