So we've been babysitting "Buff" for the past few days now - we'll have him until Tuesday I think. He's a bundle of typical Boxer energy. Him and Belle play like crazy outside. We've also had a few interior scuffles as well so we have to keep a close eye on him at all times.
When Belle does her cute cozy thing though it's pretty cute!
And then there's Lady. Poor Lady.
Ramin and I got home Friday evening and fed the dogs as usual. Then when Chris came home he noticed the huge mat of red fur on Lady's face. I freaked out a bit and went to the bathroom and tried to detangle the mat. At this point I was thinking either her and Belle got into a fight during the day (we keep Buff looked up in his crate) OR that she had scratched at her mole too hard. As I cleaned away the fur and blood I realized it was probably her mole because I could clearly see a hole in her face. The hole wasn't bleeding though. It was weird. By that time it was too late to go to the vet and I didn't think it was super serious so I left it be and trimmed her fur around her face so she'd be presentable at the vet on Saturday.
So Saturday comes and I couldn't take her to the vet until 5 pm (earliest time they had available). Once we got there I explained the story. They took her to the back operating area and shaved the fur around the spot and dematted the rest of it. Yep, it was her mole/absess. She really just must have scratched at too hard.
So apparently they don't clean out that sort of thing. I asked them if they were going to and they said no. Hmmm ok. Anyway, they gave her an antibiotics shot and then gave me some pills to give her twice a day. I also have to inject this stuff into the hole of the mole twice a day as well so that it will help the thing heal properly. It is rather disgusting and I know I'm fond of posting about wounds on my blog, but this really was the major event of the weekend for me.
I'll keep watch over it this week and see how it heals. If it starts looking worse they told me to come back to the vet, and that's just what I'll do!
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