Monday, April 20, 2009

Sick :(

I've been sick for the past 3 days now. It all started Thursday night when I noticed myself sneezing a lot while at work. Any time I sneeze more than 5 times in a matter of a few hours, I know something is up. Friday morning came around and my throat was a tad sore. It didn't start to get really sore until the end of work...I knew it was coming then.

So Saturday and Sunday I've just been holed up on the couch or bed watching TV and movies in between naps...same goes for today. My eyes and nose are raw from all the snot to wipe away. When I get sick, I always get it to the extreme. It always puts me out of commission for a few days. I barely have the energy to let the dogs outside before I need to go lie down again.
I find it very ironic to get sick right now. It's my last week of work before my sabbatical. I haven't even been sick in over 6 months. The last time was when my eye was infected back in November. At least I think the was the last time I was sick. Anyway, it's been a long time and I even went the entire winter without getting sick - that's gotta be a record.
I think being sick now is preparation for good health during my sabbatical :P At least that's my hope!

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