Friday, February 4, 2011


This week I officially was granted a new position at work. I am now the Instructional Designer and Communications Lead for the eBay Quality Team. I'm really excited about this because this is what I've been working toward for a really long time. And I'm really happy that I was able to get this job before I even officially have my degree! The best part about it too is that I get to stay with my current team and boss. I love everyone on my team and I'm really happy I get to continue working with them. Getting the job wasn't easy, I had some really tough competition but in the end I learned a lot and it's really made me appreciate the strengths in others more than I ever did before.

Aside from that piece of good news, I'm working EXTREMELY hard at school this semester. It is my last semester and I have to complete my capstone project. I am lucky that I am able to take a project that needs to be done at work and apply it to school - it is the complete fusion of school and work - finally! So, over the next few months I'm going to sort of cut myself off from the world for a bit and really focus all of my efforts on work and school. You're probably thinking, how is that any different than previous? Well....the difference here is that I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm in a really great place right now and I know that once school is finally over for me in May, I'll be able to really accomplish some of my other goals I've been putting off for too long.

These are some of the things I had on my goal list for 2011:

  • Get a promotion/get an instructional design job (DONE!)
  • Graduate with my Masters Degree (in May)
  • Lose 50 lbs (workin on it)
  • Save up a good emergency fund (workin on it)
  • Figure out the marriage situation (workin on it - most likely after graduation)
  • Go to England
  • Start up my Etsy store again and really focus on it
  • Get pregnant so I can have a baby at 30 (most likely at the end of the year)
A few of those items on my list also require the input of Ramin of course but don't worry, we've discussed everything and he is on board with my planning.  I like to have plans and so far they've worked out for me in my life. Many times I wish that I could have gotten started on my family sooner like most of my friends, but I am glad I have waited until school is done. I've been able to progress so far in school and in my career that I know I'm in a good place. If I needed to take a few years off work to raise a family I could do it and not have to play major catch-up when I go back into the working field.

Anyway - 2011 has been good to me so far. One month down - 11 more to go!

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