Here's Ramin's dad at the beach house. There was a mass birthday celebration - his birthday was actually today but we all celebrated it last week with the family!

Angela (the wife of one of Ramin's counsins) brought this really fun game called Bananas. It's like Scrabble, only you build your own board. Anyway it was really fun and we played it 2 nights in a row. I think I need to buy this game ;)

Ramin's mom, Fatima, and me on the pier at the beach. We had so much fun walking along the beach and picking up shells. You wouldn't even BELIEVE how many shells we collected between the two of us. We also found some beach glass too!

Here's Ramin's mom with Angela's son Riley (I think that's his name, so many names to remember!) - they look so cute here!

Anyway, it was a fun trip and went by too fast of course. Now it's back to the hectic life of work and starting the photography business up. Don't get me wrong though, this is some of the most fulfilling work I've done in a LONG time, mainly because it doesn't feel like work! I'll post more about it later.
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