Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Holy cow - I know I'm bad at updating this thing lately! But I can tell you it's because I've been very busy at my various hobbies of card making and sewing! I've started to use my new camera quite a bit lately so I'm going to attempt to be better at updating the blog like I used to be.

Here are the latest updates:

  • Been back at eBay for a little over a month - 5 weeks to be exact. It's been GREAT and I'm so glad I made the decision to go back. I am hardly ever stressed out and I can leave work at a decent hour and get home early enough too!! It's AWESOME.
  • Sending out my Christmas cards tomorrow - here's a snapshot of the cards I've been working on. I decided to hand make my cards because they just seem nicer when some thought is put into them. I'm also making some hand made gifts again this year to give away to local friends...I'll post pictures of those when I'm done. They are what I've been feverishly working on these last few weeks!
  • My next post will be AWESOME! But I have to talk to some other family members before I want to post it be patient for that!
Here are the cards I've been working on:

Just wanted to share this picture taken back in July up at Cascade Springs. We had a nice trip with the Baugh Family - some of our best friends!

Speaking of the Baughs! Here's a picture of them that I took last past weekend. It was so awesome to take these pictures and get into editing again - that's the part I LOVE LOVE LOVE. I hope Jenn won't get mad at my for posting these...I just love them too much!

Anyway that's it for now....stay tuned ;)

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