Just wanted to post a quick update while I'm up at 5 am (woke up around 4:30 am and couldn't fall back asleep).
Thanks for the birthday wishes this week. I didn't have a chance to get in touch with everyone because my birthday happened to fall on Tuesday which was full of work and school. I was at school until 8 pm or so and when I got home all I wanted to do was eat some dinner and watch some TV for a bit before going to bed. It was a good birthday but I totally do not feel 28. Well wait, sometimes I do feel 28, like when I'm exhausted from a day of work and school :P Good thing I'm getting this school thing over with before I'm 30 ;)
Other than that I don't really have anything new to report. I'm getting a new boss at work shortly, so that's kind of exciting and scary at the same time.
It is supposed to start snowing finally sometime this weekend. We've had such a good long run at fall that I'm kind of ready for the snow. How weird is that?!?!
We're still doing the photography thing, only I'm trying to take more of a backseat role because of time and school pressures. Jill can handle most of it now that we've got things up and running. So I'm excited to have a little more time for myself so I can read and study for school, things I sort of have been putting off because of my involvement with the business.
Here's a picture of my latest obsession - although I've had this obsession for the better part of a year now. I've been waiting and waiting for this product to come out and it finally has just in time for the holidays:

It's a Letterpress machine. I would so love to get this, even if it was my only gift for Christmas. This can get me going with my invitations and cards and such. They have a website and blog found here:
WebsiteBlogTheir blog a really cool video that shows how easy it is to do the process. If you know what a real letterpress machine is and looks like you'll understand how this is so awesome. Old time letterpress machines are antiques and HUGE! They cost thousands of dollars too! I'd love to have one someday but this will suffice for now ;)